A New Normal: Cathedral of Cirularity Past Event
Cathedral of Circularity reflects upon the circular economy: A social enterprise that teaches repair and reuse. The facility repairs and sells refurbished products, and hosts workshops where individuals can come along and learn how to repair their own things. This allows people to rethink how they use and dispose of resources. At the same time, workshops with businesses and manufacturers are hosted encouraging the transition into circular products in all industries.
We all know that person who has a natural ability to fix things, to take the seemingly useless and transform it into a re-vamped, well oiled thing of beauty. Or maybe they just help you fix your bike chain. Regardless, this is their church. A cathedral of repair, where tech and machinery of all types are archived, pulled apart, sorted for parts. Where people can bring anything from a toaster to a state of the art road bike for repairs. Inside, alongside the archive of parts, is a community tool library.
The building, acknowledging its use, re-purposes the existing structure and superimposes a new mass timber structural system, which itself can be unbolted and the materials repurposed for future alternate use.
This event is part of A New Normal, a project led by Finding Infinity that challenges Melbourne to become an entirely self-sufficient city. This is explored through a series of installations and talks by Melbourne’s leading architects and designers in a former office building at 130 Collins Street. For additional events, please check back to this website or A New Normal’s website: www.normalise.it