Co-Designing Art Exhibition Experiences Past Event

Presented by Mariana Bertelli Pagotto and RMIT University
Photo of participants engaging in a workshop
Participatory Design Workshop: Mita Chowdhury, First Site Gallery, March 2020

This workshop promotes the collaborative design of interpretation strategies to experience Pieter Huveneers’ art exhibition. It looks at ways in which the exhibition can resonate with visitors’ needs, interests and contexts while promoting meaningful readings and insights about the artworks. 

While curators use their expertise to improve audience engagement, there is the potential for designers to use their knowledge, through methods of co-design, to enhance engagement in a way that is different to curatorial practice. In this empowering workshop, participants are invited to engage with ways so that art exhibition practices can be participatory.

The exhibition encompasses Huveneers’ graphic art and design from 1948 to 2011. It provides an intimate look at the work of the communication designer, prior to, during and after the end of his internationally professional career. The main aims of the exhibition are to make accessible a private art archive of a professional designer and artist and to explore the relationship between graphic art & design.

This workshop is part of a PhD research project under the supervision of Dr Toni Roberts and Dr Noel Waite at RMIT University.

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Fri 26 Mar 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
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RMIT Design Archives
RMIT Design Archives, 154 Victoria St, Carlton VIC 3053, Australia