NGV Kids Art Club with Charlotte Alldis Past Event

Meet artists and designers online and explore the playful side of making art. Developed for primary-aged children, these artist-led activities use everyday art-making materials and are designed to stimulate creative thinking. Children are welcome to participate on their own or get the whole family to join in the fun.
Artist: Charlotte Alldis
The works of Melbourne artist Charlotte Alldis are playful and intuitive, oozing with colour and wild wriggling figures that float across their landscapes. Charlotte seeks to invite you to play, to dive into her world and deep into another time and place. She has an education background in psychology and is currently undertaking training in art therapy. Charlotte co-founded Making A Mess, a series of workshops and events based around playfulness, mark making and community creativity and mindfulness.
To celebrate Melbourne Design Week, children can look to the future and design the world they want through drawing and mark making activities. Will it be a world made of clay or kaleidoscopic colours? – What does your ideal world look like? Materials required: paper and whatever mark making materials you have at home such as markers, paint or coloured pencils.